TVB 新劇《 隱形戰隊》動作連場,你絕對不能錯過。加拿大的觀眾都可以緊貼香港收看《隱形戰隊》。我們繼續舉辦活動,與加拿大的觀眾的互動。香港電影《窄路微塵》於3月3日在北美地區上映。TVBAnywhere North America將會送出10張戲飛俾加拿大嘅朋友!
獎品:《 窄路微塵 》加拿大Cineplex換票券,名額5位,每位2張,共10張。
分享新劇有禮 -《隱形戰隊》的Facebook 貼文(設成公開),並填妥以下表格,即可參加活動。第1位, 第10位, 第20位, 第30位及第40位填表格並答對問題的參加者就可以贏得 《窄路微塵》 戲票,每人可得到 《窄路微塵》 戲飛2張。 如參加人數不足,剩下的名額則由答對問題的參加者的首5位順次序獲得。例如,如果沒有第40位參加者,將會由第2位答中的參加者獲得獎品。
得獎者將會收到電郵通知,憑得獎電郵中的兌換碼於Cineplex的網站或手機App兌換加拿大任何一間Cineplex戲院的 《窄路微塵》 戲飛。
*** 是次活動只限加拿大 (魁北克省除外) 朋友參加 ***

活動名稱:新劇有禮 –《隱形戰隊》
獎品:《 窄路微塵 》加拿大Cineplex換票券,名額5位,每位2張。
活動日期:2023年3月3日 – 2023年3月9日
參加辦法及活動規則 (How to Join):
- 無須消費,以問答遊戲形式進行。
- 參加者須居住在加拿大 (魁北克省除外)。
- 通過【 TVBAnywhere North America官方Facebook】或 【電郵宣傳】看到本活動之宣傳貼文。並完成內文中的步驟:
1)分享新劇有禮 -《隱形戰隊》的Facebook 貼文(設成公開)。
- 一個參加者只可以填妥表格一次,及領取獎品一次。 提交表格多過一次則以最後一次提交作準。
- 獎品是《 窄路微塵 》加拿大Cineplex換票券,名額5位,每位2張。
- 評審將在2023年3月10日進行,並在同日於TVBAnywhere North America官方Facebook公佈。
- 得獎者會在7日內收到附有《 窄路微塵 》加拿大Cineplex換票券的電郵通知。
- 本活動有條款限制,請仔細閱讀及遵守本活動之「參加辦法 How to Enter」條文、「活動規則 Terms & Conditions」條文及所有有關本活動的說明。
活動條款 Terms & Conditions
- TVB (USA) Inc. (“TVBUSA”) is the organizer of the “新劇有禮 -《隱形戰隊》” campaign (the “Campaign”).
- By participating in and/or registering for this Campaign, and/or accepting the prize(s) of this Campaign (the “Participant(s)”), the Participant acknowledges and agrees to all “Terms & Conditions”, the “How to Enter”, and all descriptions and instructions of this Campaign stated now and any future updates stated on the TVBAnywhere North America official Facebook page or via email notifications.
- No purchase necessary. Participants must be legal residents of Canada, except for Quebec Province, and 18 years of age or older.
- TVBUSA staff and their immediate family members are not eligible to participate in this Campaign.
- The Campaign Period begins on 3/3/2023 and ends on 3/9/2023 at 11:59 pm Pacific Time.
- Participants may participate in this Campaign by completing the following steps:
- Share the Facebook post of “新劇有禮 -《隱形戰隊》” on the official TVBAnywhere North America Facebook page (set as public).
- Fill out the registration form and answer the questions.
- Read and agree to comply with the “How to Join” and “Terms & Conditions” of this Campaign.
- Only one Entry Form per Participant is allowed, and each Participant can only win one prize. If there are multiple entries, only the last submission will be counted.
- The winners will be selected by judges on March 10th, 2023, and announced on the official TVBAnywhere North America Facebook page on the same day.
- The winners must provide their registered email address for verification purposes by sending a Facebook message to the official TVBAnywhere North America Facebook page using the same Facebook account by March 16th, 2023.
- The winners will receive an email notification within 7 days after the Campaign end date, which includes two Cineplex movie tickets for ” The Narrow Road (窄路微塵) ” in Canada.
- This Campaign is subject to the “How to Join” and “Terms & Conditions”. Please read them carefully and comply with all instructions and rules related to this Campaign.
- If the Prize is not claimed by the Winner after 3/31/2023, the Winner is deemed to have forfeited the Prize.
- TVBUSA is not responsible for any undeliverable or lost messages.
- All Campaign communication, including but not limited to promotion, Campaign updates, administration, and notifications, will be sent to the participant’s email address provided through the Entry Form.
- TVBUSA has the sole discretion to determine if an entry, registration, or participant is valid or invalid. It will be deemed disqualified without notice if invalid.
- TVBUSA shall not be responsible for any undeliverable notification.
- TVBUSA is not responsible for the condition and functionality of the prizes.
- This offer is void where prohibited or restricted by law.
- Prize recipient is responsible for all taxes if any.
- The information/data Participants provide is for the use of TVBUSA only. TVBUSA does not sell, rent or trade such information/data with others.
- Images shown in any of the promotions, whether in video, on print, online or offline, are for reference only.
- TVBUSA reserves the rights in its sole discretion to cancel this event or to change any “Terms and Conditions”, “How to Join” and other descriptions and instructions with or without notice.
- Whenever there is a discrepancy between English & Chinese versions of these Terms & Conditions and all other related descriptions and instructions, the English version shall prevail.
- Please email if you have any questions or inquiries regarding this event.